Monday 31 January 2022

CSS positions: Relative , Sticky, Absolute , Fixed , Static

Hey Guys, 

I spent  little more time to learn  CSS positions and below is an example you can try to understand. 

Try below one : 

    <div class="parent"> 

<p  style = "position:relative;left:10%;border:2px black solid;"> I am relative </p>

<!-- Occupy the position after above image and align towards left by 10 % .  --> 

<p  style = "position:static;left:10%;border:2px yellow solid;">  I am Static </p>

  <!-- Does not affect any change in left property . its static and align to its normal position --> . 

<p  style = "position:fixed; left:10%;bottom:0%;border:2px blue solid;">  I am fixed </p> 

 <!-- It takes document as its parent and align item based on document level.  Does not change even when u scroll --> . 

<p  style = "position:absolute; left:30%; top : 50%;border:2px red solid;">  I am absolute </p> 

 <!-- Takes the container as its parent. Nearest ancestor and act like fixed. --> . 

<p  style = "position:sticky; left:10%; top:0%; border:2px green solid;">  I am sticky </p> 

 <!-- A sticky element toggles between relative and fixed, depending on the scroll position. It is positioned relative until a given offset position is met in the viewport - then it "sticks" in place (like position:fixed). --> . 

 <p> FILL IN HERE WITH SOME EXTRA DATA TO SEE STICKY effect . Sticky Effect works if you have scrollable data. </p>
