These days i just identified that most of the NS2 Users are facing problem with running AWK scripts and getting final simulation results.
Here are some common mistakes :
1) Running with out generating the Trace file.2) Running with out testing the trace file format(old/new)
3) Division by zero awk script error.
4) Using New trace file with old awk script combination or Old trace file with New awk script-->This is the major mistake.
Before you proceed with applying awk scripts, Make sure which stage you are in currently.In my view the stages are
Stage 1: creation of scenario(environmental setup) and creating TCL file.Important step check for new trace file or old trace file.....
- If you want new trace file (contains energy and node position details) : put $ns use-newtrace in your TCL file.
- If you want old trace file format : just comment the above command in your TCL file with #.
Stage 2: Execution of TCL file and getting TRACE file (.tr file) . Generated with run the command $ns example.tcl
Stage 3: Download or modify the AWK scripts according to your scenario
Stage 4: Use xgraph to generate graph associated to your results.
Checking Awk script for Old/New trace file format:
AWK scripts are very useful to apply and execute trace file. important aspect is checking the column values in the awk script.AWK script for New trace file:
It contains more than 35 columns. which gives energy in joules, (x,y,z)axis location of node, send,receive, etc.
So if you found any value like $16 or $34 or $23 means that the script is for new trace file . Use when you need energy calculation apart from that pdf, jitter,throughput,delay else go with Old awk script.
AWK script for Old trace file:
- column values will be less than 10. you can see like $5 ,$9 in the script.
Now please check the trace file whether it is old or new and then apply associated AWK script..Search appropriate AWK script and use.
Please open trace file and now check how many columns are there. old trace file for example
s 2.556838879 _0_ RTR --- 0 AODV 48 [0 0 0 0] ------- [0:255 -1:255 30 0]
Columns in AWK script
$2--> 2.556838879
$4--> RTR
Hope this Post helps you folks