An independent, self-governing group of mobile wireless hosts communicate through wireless links by forming a temporary network (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) in a dynamic manner without any fixed and centralized infrastructure. Since the nodes in MANET are not stationary, same path may not be taken always for routing between the sender and the receiver(s). So, routing in such situation is a complicated task. In addition, the resources of the wireless nodes are limited. With the intention of saving the resources of the nodes in the network, multicasting can be used instead of multiple unicast data transmissions whenever a node needs to send same data in parallel to several destinations. The grouporiented services are the primary ones that support today’s need and trend of communication. In recent years, such services are provided with the help of MANETs. The residual energy of the battery of a mobile node is finite (before recharging is done), which is a constraint while developing multicast routing protocols. Genetic Algorithm (GA) presents an improved solution for the multi-constrained multicast routing problem. By choosing proper fitness function and values for metrics such as initial population size, crossover and mutation that closely relates to the chosen scenario, the genetic algorithm optimizes the routes in terms of selected metrics. This paper focuses to provide a survey and analyses the categories of multicast routing protocols. In addition, this also covers the details of the application of genetic approach in finding multicast routes.
Keywords: MANET, PUMA, ODMRP, AODV, WMN’s,Genetics,GA,Mesh,Wireless
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Analysis of Multicast Routing Protocols: Puma and Odmrp
general, Wireless communication is defined as sharing of information between
one or more systems through wireless links. Wireless networks can be
categorized into two different modes as infrastructure based and infrastructure
less. Infrastructure based mode is the most common use wireless mode for the
end user loop. Infrastructure less mode also called as the Ad hoc mode relies
on wireless communications without any fixed infrastructure. Infrastructure based
networks are characterized by their use of access points (AP), or base
stations. The most known example of infrastructure based wireless network is
GSM and more recently, Wi-Fi. Ad Hoc networks introduce a new way of
communication. An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that
dynamically functions as a network without the use of any existing
infrastructure and centralized administration. Mobile
Ad-hoc networking (MANET), an emerging field of wireless networking is an
autonomous system of wireless mobile hosts, connected by wireless links that
dynamically create a temporary network and establish an infrastructure less
network. The topology of the network may change frequently and unpredictably.
Multicast routing has been widely applied in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs),
to support different group oriented applications like video conferencing,
interactions with Special interest groups etc., efficiently. This paper presents
the comparative analysis of two multicast routing protocols, PUMA and ODMRP.
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regarding PUMA, did u use the PUMA.tcl available with ns2.35?
ReplyDeleteif yes, can u give me the related pdr,awk and throughput?
i did not succeed modifying the awks available on ur blog to work with PUMA :(
Thank you
Yes, Use have to use Perl scripts for multicast routing.perl already installed in Ns-2. please search for multicast perl scripts for calculation of parameters. If you give trace file to this perl ,it will generate accurate results.
ReplyDeletehow can we add a stationary node in the middle of say 5o node traffic scenario?
Thanks for your efforts!
make the destination co-ordinates of x,y,z to 0,0,0