What is CMS?
CMS is meant for configuration management system which mainly used to control the Source Code.
Why we need CMS?
Consider an organisation like Microsoft has 1000's of projects going on or Let us consider designing an Airway Reservation system which involves lot of modules and lot of coding. 100's of employees will be working on the code globally . There s need of system which can control the code changes by employees for that module.
CMS make sure that no two person work on same code. It has a concept called check in and check out.
It uses one central repository (storage) and initial project will be pushed to that . Every one takes the update from the central repository and starts working on it. If Person A and Person B are working on file named FILE 1 then CMS plays vital role.
Scenario :
With out CMS
Person A acquired the FILE 1 and started modifying . Consider Person B also want to change something in the same file same be same method what A is changing. When both are changing . they dont know each other about the changes. Finally a weird file will be created. If its in same office, no problem . Imagine A is in India and B is USA.
With CMS
According to CMS, Person A can check out the File from central repo. If B wants to modify something , he has to take update or he modify something and about to check in to repo . He will be thrown an exception stating that Person A is already checked out the file and modified something . As Person B is notified , he will wait till A change updates then B can check the changes and incorporate if any needed.
This is what called Source Control Management system / Version Control Management System /Configuration Management System
Open Source
> Git Hub is the best source control management system.
Closed Source
> SVN Tortoise
> VSS (Visual source safe)
> a lot more..... (just google it)
GitHub is world famous source control system. it's used by top class IT companies like Facebook and Open source geeks