Hey there,
i have recently tried running the debugger in VSCODE for my LARAVEL project.
Step 1: PHP
- I have installed PHP via home brew.
brew install php@7.4
- If you want you to unlink your existing PHP and link new the version we have installed then run this. ex: You have had 7.3 with your system and we have installed 7.4 . So, to use 7.4
brew unlink php@7.3
brew link php@7.4
- Now, if u run php -v on terminal . you will see php 7.4 version.
Step 2: XDEBUG
- Ensure we have xdebug installed if not then kindly install it from xdebug for mac OS
- once installation is successful then u can see xdebug on php -v command output
Step 3: Install PHP debug in VSCODE from here PHP DEBUG
Step 4: Enabling XDEBUG debug mode and step debugging.
- Go to your php ini file and add below config. You can find the ini file at below path in mac.
- nano /usr/local/etc/php/7.4/php.ini
Paste below in ini file. [Xdebug]
Step 5: Run & Debug in VSCODE
- Go to VSCODE and left side select run & debug option. select PHP configuration and paste below in .vscode/launch.json
Step 6: Run your laravel project which runs on port 8000 or your desired port
php artisan serve
Step 7: Things to keep in mind
- we have kept the port no 9001 for xdebug configuration . Both in VSCODE launch.json and php.ini file.
- we have our laravel server running at port no: 8000
- So xdebug listens on port 9001 and laravel on 8000. whenever u hit localhost:8000 ---> xdebug will listen and start step debugging.