Friday, 15 March 2013

Installing ZRP protocol in NS2

  •             The general suggestion is not to use Ubuntu 11.10 (or 11.04) for NS2.
If you must use Ubuntu, then version 10.04 will do. The default OS for ns2 is CentOS 5.7
( All ns2 versions were created and tested on CentOS / RHEL.)

 But : You can have as many versions of ns2 as you want, installed at the same time.
Just do not add any of them to a PATH*.

  •               No ns-2.33 or any other version ns-2.27.....2.34 can be installed on Ubuntu 11.10.

1-  First  put (ns-allinone-2.33_ZRP.tar.gz , PatchZRP.patch and in Ns-allinone-2.33 directory.

2-  Give this command:  cd ns-allinone-2.33/ && patch -p1 < PatchZRP.patch

3- Give this one:  touch ns-2.33/common/packet.h && touch ns-2.33/trace/cmu-trace.h

4- Go to Ns-allinone-2.33 and give this command: tar xvf ns-allinone-2.33_ZRP.tar.gz

5- Go to Ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33 and I give this: make -k 


  1. Can ZRP patching be done on Ns 2.34??
    I am having ns 2.34 on ubuntu 10.10. What if i dont want to install ns 2.33.

    Please give some alternative.

  2. Dear friends, excuse me may anyone help me by sending me awk script to calculate the performance metrics in the trace file obtained by using Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP).

    1-normalizing routing load
    2-packet delivery ratio
    3-average End-to-End delay

    Note: especially Normalizing Routing Load

    my ubuntu linux is 10.10 32bit


  3. Dear friends, excuse me may anyone help me by sending me awk script to calculate the performance metrics in the trace file obtained by using Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP).

    1-normalizing routing load
    2-packet delivery ratio
    3-average End-to-End delay

    Note: especially Normalizing Routing Load

    my ubuntu linux is 10.10 32bit


    1. Beegala Yuvaraj26 May 2013 at 23:21

      Read my post on awk scripts and change AODV to ZRP in the scripts if u r getting ZRP in ur trace file and execute
