Saturday, 13 April 2013

AODV TCL file Downloads

Hi all,
             Here you can download all the files for AODV protocol with various group size.please find the below link to download all the files.

                              All Files Download & Installations

                                                   AODV TCL script downloads : Click Here


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi..
    can u name the link for bee routing protocol in ns2..i am not finding the protocol ...plzzz

    1. Beegala Yuvaraj22 April 2013 at 05:06

      Do you mean Zig Bee ??? There is no protocol with name Bee for Ns-2 ..Please check whether you want protocol related to MANET .Again whether is it reactive or proactive protocol.

    2. Beegala Yuvaraj22 April 2013 at 10:47

      Let me clarify you few things

      BeeAdhoc Is an Algorithm implemented by a set of research scholars and its not protocol in ns-2. they wont give u this algorithm as its patent and copy rights. you can take the paper on Beeadhoc as a reference and write alg in ns-2 if you are good in programming c++.

  3. Hello sir,
    i am working on project energy efficient bee routing algorithm....i am not getting where to include this routing algoithm ..can u help me...plzz

  4. Hi sir
    I going to add 1 octet for the size of my packet so means that : $cbr set packetSize_ 512 change this ligne or what ????????????
    and thnx

  5. true; you can increase packet size here only. 512,1024 ......

  6. it is giving the following error:

    warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl
    can't read "node_(0)": no such variable
    while executing
    "$node_(0) set X_ 1.0"
    (file "aodv-5.tcl" line 49)

    1. i added :
      -channel $chan_1_
      but donno if i did right,

      the error now is:

      can't read "i": no such variable
      while executing
      "set node_($i) [$ns node]"
      (file "aodv-5.tcl" line 47)

      btw it will be better if we can modify our replies in order not to make the blog too crowdy

    2. the problem was with my ns2. i reinstalled it and it worked :)

    3. is the plot supposed to be plotted directly or just generate the CwMaodv_50 file?
      i m doing this : xgraph CwMaodv_50 >out.xgr
      then running the xgraph but how can i plot for example the nb of nodes versus the PDR ?

  7. hi yuvraj,
    i m also getting the same can i rectify this error?

    warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl
    can't read "node_(0)": no such variable
    while executing
    "$node_(0) set X_ 1.0"
    (file "aodv-5.tcl" line 49)

    1. Beegala Yuvaraj1 July 2013 at 10:37

      May be the node 0 is not defined properly. Please see the other nodes declaration.

  8. Thanks for these aodv codes and by changing node_(0) to n(0) and similarly all other nodes it will run perfectly

  9. hey can u tell me how to implement sleep mode in aodv protocol

  10. hi i want AODV.tcl file with xgraph output can any one plz post it
