Hey guys,
Recently when we run one of our query with group by . we encountered an MYSQL error as like below:
ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP: Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column <column name> which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
When we dig in deeper, we came to know that we have enabled only_full_group_by which is by default in MySQL 5.7.5 and later.
For example. Query
select name , phone_number, count(*) from contact
group by phone_number ;
contact table :
name phone_number
Raj 123
Ram 123
Karan 456
See above table has 2 names pointing to same number 123 . so when we group by the data with phone_number it tries to count no . of records based on phone_number.
Now when we keep the name in the selection list . MYSQL has to pick only one name to show to user .
System will confuse which name to pick Raj / Ram .
so , when we enable only_full_group_by . we are letting mysql to not accept queries with functional independence in the selection list. if they are functionally dependent or primary key then it will work.
To overcome above problem : 2 solutions
Solution 1:
Disable only_full_group_by . follow below link
Solution 2:
function for non-agggregated columns in the selection list. By using this, system picks any one name out of multiple values.
select any_value(name) , phone_number, count(*) from contact
group by phone_number ;
Please don't keep the non-aggregated columns in selection list at any cost. If you think its necessary then follow above steps to overcome your problem
More on only_full_group_by
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