Hello pals,
One can always enchance the look and feel of NAM UI . it mainly helpful while demonstrating to others.
Colors , annotations, labels, packet colors, control play back all these plays vital role in enriching NAM animator in NS2
We will see one by one .
$ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n2 label “user defined text here”
$ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n2 color blue
$ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n2 label-at up
$ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n2 label-color green
$n1 color blue // sets the node color to blue
$n1 shape hexagon
2. Node options — color, shape, label
$n1 ---> means node 1 that you defined in your Tcl file .
$n1 color blue // sets the node color to blue
$n1 shape hexagon
$n1 label-at up // sets the label up the link
$n2 label “user defined text here” // sets for node 2
$n2 label-color green // label color set to green
3.Packet colors
$n2 label “user defined text here” // sets for node 2
$n2 label-color green // label color set to green
3.Packet colors
$agent set fid_ $node
$ns color $node blue
4. Control playback
$ns set-animation-rate 3ms // control playback time in milli seconds
5. Annotation
$ns color $node blue
4. Control playback
$ns set-animation-rate 3ms // control playback time in milli seconds
5. Annotation
set text "this is annotation shows at run time of nam"
set time 4.0
$ns at $time “$ns trace-annotate $text” // at 4.0 , an annotation will display
$ns at $time “$ns trace-annotate $text” // at 4.0 , an annotation will display
// its highly useful when packet transfer completed or show some attacks in the networks.transmission rate, no of nodes in the network etc..
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