Sunday, 16 March 2014

NS2 With Eclipse IDE

Installation Steps:

  1. Install Eclipse IDE   package named CDT.
  2. you can find the package or whole eclipse IDE with CDT package here : CLICK HERE
  3. Building  network simulator(Ns-2) using cygwin software in Windows. Please refer how to install cygwin in windows post in my blog. If you are not interested in windows then directly install eslipse in Linux . try to install all needed packages(gcc, tcl , perl ).
  4. Give workspace name as ur NS-2 installed root folder path for eclipse.
  5. Use Eclipse's C/C++ Perspective. 
  6. Create a project for your ns2: "New" --> "C++ Project". Select the "Makefile project" --> "Empty project". Give the same ns2 sub directory name as the project name.
  7. "Project" --> "Build All". Now you should be able to use Eclipse the Code/Compile/Debug ns2.
The most important feature you would get there is the "intellisense". Although Vi/Emacs both provide "Code completion", they are No-comparable -- "intellisense" has much more good features than "Code completion".

                                                                  Kudos to Ke Liu 

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